Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Returning Expedition to SMYB


  • ten reasons why I don’t like Food Studies
  • ten reasons why I want to switch to Pharmacy

the rest were inside just to enjoy the air-con



I don’t know who came out with the evil idea that

Mr. Tan should be the photographer


finally found a student

he took photo very spontaneous

didn’t even cue us

maybe because he is a wushu guy




Bilik Kuliah

who were the one who wore slippers to

extra Lao Lee’s lecture

and got the slippers confiscated?


if five senses are an integrated part of memory

then this place is infused with smell…

it always smells sock-ish.

and permeated with sound.

where we sang MLTR’s Paint My Love

and Ah Bum’s I’ll Do My Crying in The Rain…



still the same old siao-kina



i think this use to be the lepak spot for Malay kids

and also for those who with displinary problems

waiting to be served by a team of professional



where to go next?

  1. panorama bus
  2. MBO
  3. Huai En Yuan
  4. MP/DP

but can see the light blue shirt guy

showing impatient face

“just leave two of us alone…”


4248_79467506739_533056739_1654886_4356684_n in teachers room

L.T.T.: Eh, Ms. Tee looks slimmer now

N.H.L.: No la, it’s just because she is in black today


fashion tips:

if wearing black can make you look slim

then white colour can do the reverse

Xh doesn’t grow fat at all

it’s just because he is always in white


the beige colour handbag sucks

don’t ever borrow bag from your mama

it’s time to shopping

and invest in a good bag



culprits who always copied homeworks here

before entering the labs

the classroom behind was our 2A1


the two KRS girls who passed by

were lauging at these sohai ppl

especially the chekered shirt one

looked like he is praying very hard

asking for forgiveness from Allah



don’t worry

your repentance will be heard

and awarded a Ms. Piggie

as sexy and seductive

as the one in Sesame Street

(Kermit’s 老死)


how forgetful i am

you found your 老死, right

the one in the couple shirt with you

as I said her fashion sense is

incredibly very 前衛

but amazingly you can match hers





due to privacy reasons

and the author’s apprehension of lawsuits

and tindakan disiplin ke atas

blogger  yang tidak bertanggungjawab,


Chee Pin’s 老死 name can’t be disclosed.

but for sure, she is hot



the St. John seniors want to show power

“seniors, it isn’t really our fault lar

the quality of kids nowadays is deteriorating ”

“we have to design activities like

playing newspaper ball under the hot sun”


the St. John leader has got funny badge on his arm

one with a chef’s face

i think it is a recognition for completing

the Diner Dash series or maybe Hell Kitchen


the rational behind is

if you have got the speed and sharpness

to excel in these games

you have got the prowess to become

a St’ john leader



to St. John seniors

please wear long pants and covered shoes

whenever you enter a cultured school


Pn. Kamisah even said that

KSH looks like a “doktor kelakar”



it’s all from me today

Ah Bum wants to read The Pearl liao





ah bak goh

6.00 am


reporting from SMYB

the cultured school

on behalf of



  1. 哈哈。。。很有感觉哦那些照片。。。

  2. hahahahhahaha.damn funny la!!!hahaha..oof oof
    u are GREAT! hoho
    ps: mr .piggie~ ur lou sei miss u leh

  3. who is lou sei ? must let me know leh ! ahakz

  4. oh my....bak...
    u write till so my works,nonid to write it dy..
    how dare u lousei nt her lar...zzzz..find old woman for me,swt...
    Xh,pls blif dat i wil kill u..btw,u lousei oso miss u quite alot,the TOP in sch..

  5. Crying In the Rain.... U jz remind me those silly old days. I will laugh till cry whenever listen to tis song. (of course ah bum is in my mind) XD

  6. walao...

    pg your taste very extreme lo
    last time volume big de
    waste too much money on supper is it?

    now want change to thin one
    save rice...
    some more can fetch you
    on her motorbike

    don't ask her come kill me k
    i am fully aware of the

  7. ms bak...
    i can confirm dat..
    i wil kill u when nex time i c u..
