Thursday, February 12, 2009

Arh !! (sue-yin)

Allow me ... FUCK !!!!!!!!!!

today mid term exam !!

holy shit the question is a piece of shit !!!

sila terjemahkan ayat-ayat di bawah

We ate iced cakes at the party.

She has a Great Dane , a chameleon and a genuei-pig.

The delta of the Rio Grande is a land of thickets and swamps.

He is keeping mum his feeling on the matter.

She has few friends.

I like living in big city but there are cities and cities.

She is a black girl who lives in a white city.

Is Turkey a part of EU ? (well this i know how to translate)

allow me again .. I fucked up ehm badly !!!!!


My questions are so Interesting ain't ehm ?? =.=


  1. Arh !! I just found out that although Great Dane has a word dane in it, but the dog has nothing to do with Denmark !!! I translated it as ANJING DENMARK !! betul betul babi !

  2. haha..nt understand the ayat-ayat above at all...but c ur answer terjemah..reali funny..haha.. got time teach me some lor..^^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. kami makan ais krim di parti itu
    2. dia ada satu anjing germany,satu cicak tukar warna,satu tikus besar
    3. tanah segi tiga Rio Grande adalah tanah penuh dengan paya dan bakau
    4. dia berbisu atas masalah itu
    5. dia mempunyai berapa kawan
    6. saya suka tinggal di bandar besar tetapi ada banyak bandar besar di luar sana
    7. dia seorang gadis berkulit hitam yang tinggal di bandar orang putih
    8. adakah turkey sebahagian daripada union eropah?

    simply kidding XD

  5. EU is kesatuan eropah

    iced-cake is kek aising

    genuei-pig is tikus kasturi

    rio grande is a sungai rio grande

    turkey should be Turki

  6. kek aising??
    turki omg!so stupid..
    then chameleon ler?
    i remember last time pokemon chamander>chameleon>chalizard

  7. tt..lolzz lar u..chamander>chameleon>chalizard.. geng lar u..

  8. hoho..tis knowledge..not every ppl know de..called evolution...salute to chales darwin da great!!btw...i think for the questions my mark stil ok ^^v

  9. if i m lecture,gv u ful marks for u creativitiy^^
